About Us

Our Clubhouses

The Marron Crescent, Mundingburra Training Field Clubhouse is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from approximately 4.45pm to 6.30pm during the football season. The bar is only permitted to trade from 5pm – 6:30pm, selling beer, wine, cider, soft drinks, water, chocolates, chips & zooper doopers.  Alcohol is to be consumed within the Clubhouse and verandah.

We also have merchandise for sale, socks, shorts, bucket hats & caps.

A separate storage area at the end of the clubhouse stores our training equipment.

Female toilets are on the training side of the building and the male toilets are on the carpark side.

There is some seating along the front wall and verandah of the clubhouse, with a new grandstand ordered.  This was made possible thanks to support of our fundraising raffles. Working bees are held approx 2 times per year to keep our clubhouse and grounds maintained.

The Aitkenvale Park Clubhouse is in Petunia Street, beside the Aitkenvale Library. Parking is available in the library carpark. This is where our senior men and women, youth and junior competitive teams train across 4 nights a week. Our home games are hosted here during the season.

Our Committee

Club Executive & General Committee: 

Executive Committee

President: Anthony Tardiani

Secretary: Denise Austin 

Treasurer: Terry West 

Vice President: Shi Pardy 

Registrars: Meg O’Donnell & Terry West 

General & Sub-Committees

General Committee: Paul Mahrin, Kerry Bimrose, Sarah Alman & Chloe Hancock

Fundraising Officers: Vacant – if you can assist please enquire at 

Canteen Convenor: Colleen Anazodo

Media Officer: Sophie Dembowski

Sponsorship Officers: Natasha Tetlow & Terry West

Equipment Officer: 3 people required for 1hr each on Tues, Wed or Thurs

Membership Protection Officer:  Natasha Tetlow

Our Sponsors

We would like to thank all of our sponsors. 

Your support is greatly appreciated by our committee, players, parents and supporters.

Our History

St Joseph’s Junior Soccer Club (SJJSC) formed in 1971, training at our present location of Gordon Park (on the Corner of Ross River Road & Balls Lane, Mundingburra).

SJJSC players originally wore green shirts and brown shorts and the training fields were mown by fathers bringing their own mowers. The club was known as Saint Joseph’s and then Saints.

In 2005 Saints formed an affiliation with Eagles Souths United Senior Soccer Club to provide players with access to a senior club to move through the age groups and divisions with. Eagles Souths United was formed from the amalgamation of Polonia (Eagles), which was the local Polish soccer club, and Souths, who were based at Cambridge Park in Vincent.

Our club colours and logos are combined from each of these clubs. Green and the Saint logo from SJJSC; Red and the Eagle logo from Polonia and Black from Souths.

Aitkenvale Park

The Aitkenvale Park Clubhouse opened in 2017 following unprecedented support from our members.  Home games have the best atmosphere!  

Appreciation must go to the following who contributed to the clubhouse project:

In 2023 the Aitkenvale Park Lights Project was completed, with LED lighting to two full-sized fields, as well as a training area under lights.  This project was necessary following substantial growth in both the junior and senior ranks and was made possible thanks to the 2020 Queensland Government Election Commitment.

Appreciation must go to the following who contributed to the lights project:

Brad Thus, Project Manager, from BNT Civil

Declan Carnes, former General Manager of Football Queensland, Northern

Wade Lynch & the team at Precision Sports Lighting

Jessica Sullivan, Engagement Officer from the Department of Tourism, Innovation & Sport on behalf of the Honourable Member of Parliament, Stirling Hinchliffe

Les Walker, Queensland Labor State Member for Mundingburra

Tim Taylor, Townsville City Council

National Club Accreditation Scheme

National Club Accreditation Scheme

We achieved National Club Accreditation Scheme LEVEL 1 in February 2014.